立案時間:2000 年
:91-113 年度
【樂興之時】由蕭堤國際指揮大賽三獎得主江靖波,於1998年號召國內頂尖年輕音樂家組成。成立之初即受柏林愛樂、維也納愛樂首席強力肯定。其演出實況錄音為美國茱莉亞音樂院指定教材,現場錄音更在北歐五國古典音樂電台全程播出。 曾合作的國際大師不勝枚舉,如花腔女高音Dilber;天才鋼琴家黃海倫;倫敦莫札特樂團首席David Juritz;小號家Reinhold Friedrich,皆為國際樂壇代表人物。亦跨領域與頂尖藝術家合作,例如吳興國及其「當代傳奇」、頂尖現代舞團「林文中舞團」。長年耕耘台灣景點大型戶外演出,每年皆創下傲人觀眾數及口碑。出國巡演更每每載譽而返,2007年義大利、德國六場爆滿巡演,2008年獲邀至德國柏林Young Euro Classic音樂節開幕場首演,2010年的南非親善之旅,皆實踐國人卓越的文化實力。 【樂興之時】現有五個分工團:【樂興之時管絃樂團】、【樂興之時管絃樂團附設青年團】、【樂興圓桌武士】、【樂興之時之音樂理想國】,以及【樂興之時管絃樂團附設古樂團】,分別追求定義精確的目標價值,在多樣化場域散發驚人影響力。
二度獲全國音樂比賽小提琴獨奏及室內樂第一名,而後赴美雙修小提琴與管絃樂團指揮,並獲南加大指揮碩士。1998年返台創辦【樂興之時管絃樂團】,致力提升樂團合奏素質及觀眾鑑賞力。2002年,江靖波於首屆「Sir Georg Solti指揮大賽」奪得第三名(首獎從缺),且為入圍準決賽唯一亞洲選手。 獲獎後仍致力發表無數當代作曲家新作,並在新竹清華大學以及台北東吳大學長期任教,培育後進。2015至2018年曾任希臘頂尖樂團Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra 首席客座指揮;2018至2019年擔任NCO台灣國樂團常任客席,並率該團至越南、韓國等地巡演;在國內亦經常受邀與國家交響樂團、台北市立交響樂團等職業樂團合作。
二度獲全國音樂比賽小提琴獨奏及室內樂第一名,而後赴美雙修小提琴與管絃樂團指揮,並獲南加大指揮碩士。1998年返台創辦【樂興之時管絃樂團】,致力提升樂團合奏素質及觀眾鑑賞力。2002年,江靖波於首屆「Sir Georg Solti指揮大賽」奪得第三名(首獎從缺),且為入圍準決賽唯一亞洲選手。 獲獎後仍致力發表無數當代作曲家新作,並在新竹清華大學以及台北東吳大學長期任教,培育後進。2015至2018年曾任希臘頂尖樂團Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra 首席客座指揮;2018至2019年擔任NCO台灣國樂團常任客席,並率該團至越南、韓國等地巡演;在國內亦經常受邀與國家交響樂團、台北市立交響樂團等職業樂團合作。
Maestro Chiang is the Founder and Artistic Director of Philharmonia Moments Musicaux. He received his Master of Music Performance in Orchestral Conducting and Bachelor of Music Performance in Violin from the University of Southern California, under the tutorage of Daniel Lewis, and Alice Schoenfeld. In September 2002, he participated in the inaugural International Sir GEORG SOLTI Competition for Conductors in Frankfurt, Germany and won the third prize. No first prize was awarded in this Edition. After a highly claimed Carnegie Hall debut in June 2007, he went on leading an enormously successful European tour in August, 2007, where all five performances in Italy and one in Germany of his own orchestra, the Philharmonia Moments Musicaux, were greeted by the audience with standing ovation. Shortly after in 2008, Maestro Chiang was invited to open the prestigious Young Euro Classic Festival in Berlin, again with his own orchestra, this time its Youth division, with a critically claimed interpretation of Gustav Mahler’s 5th Symphony. Major orchestras that Maestro Chiang has conducted include the Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra, Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfaltz, Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra, The Isreal Symphony Orchestra (ISO), The Arena di Verona Orchestra, the Teatro Verdi Trieste Orchestra, The Orquesta Sinfónica del Estado de México, Staatskapelle Halle, Orquesta Filarmónica de Bogotá, National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Kaushong City Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, EVA Symphony Orchestra, National Chinese Orchestra of Taiwan, Soochow Symphony Orchestra, Young Musicians Foundation Symphony Orchestra, Soloists Taipei Chamber Orchestra, National Taiwan University Medical School Symphony Orchestra, Tanglewood Music Center Orchestra, USC Symphony, USC chamber Players, Taiwan International Music Festival Orchestra, etc. Worth mentioning is that Greece’s leading orchestra, the Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra, had named Maestro Chiang as their most favored guest conductor of the past decade, and consequently selected him as their Principal Guest Conductor from 2015 to 2018. In their Season of 2018-19, The National Chinese Orchestra choose Maestro Chiang to be their resident conductor, leading them in six different productions, as well as two international tours to Vietnam, and South Korea. Besides his professional activities, Maestro Chiang is also a devoted educator. He teaches extensively at National Tsing Hua University, as well as Soochow University of Taiwan.