Taiwan Philharmonic Chinese Orchestra
  • 信箱
  • 電話+886-932-049934
  • 地址高雄市鼓山區美術東二路436號2樓
  • 連結官方網站

立案時間:2011 年
立案縣市: 高雄市
入選年度(含文建會及文化部時期) :102、107-109 年度

成立於2011年,由指揮家顧寶文博士發起,長安樂器公司資助排練場地而成立;2017年起獲陳啟川先生文教基金會冠名贊助。成員來自大專院校教授,中小學教師,自由音樂家,及高中級以上在學學生約七十五人所組成,成員皆出自嚴格的科班訓練,是目前南台灣最專業,亦具規模的非政府組織民族管絃樂團。樂團成立之初,旋即獲選為2012年文化部南方團隊演藝團隊補助。2013年獲選為文化部扶植團隊。2014年《南方傳奇~港都綺緣》雙CD入圍第25屆傳統暨藝術音樂金曲獎「最佳傳統音樂獎」。2015年製作《臺灣意象-作曲家陸?與台灣愛樂》音樂會並出版發行DVD榮獲2016年第27屆傳藝金曲獎四項入圍並榮獲「最佳專輯製作人」與「最佳創作」兩項大獎。 樂團以台灣(Taiwan)為中心,高雄為基地,展現熱情(Passion)、自信(Confidence)、與原汁原味(Original),(T,P,C,O=Taiwan Philharmonic Chinese Orchestra),旨在帶動國樂風氣,培養人才,以及製作一流的音樂演出,期許能代表台灣在世界華樂文化綻放光芒。

藝術總監 / 團長
顧寶文 Ku Pao Wen
 Simple, Exquisite, Precise, Efficient, Composed, Sentimental – these are remarks Ku Pao Wen has acquired throughout his active years in the international territory of music.

Born in Taipei City in 1970, Ku Pao Wen is an outstanding talent cultivated by the Taiwanese education system of traditional Chinese music and has obtained a DMA in Orchestra Conducting at the University of South Carolina. He is currently teaching in the department of Chinese Music, Tainan National University of the Arts, and is the first professor specialized in conducting in the Taiwanese traditional Chinese music realm.

With abundant experiences in teaching at multiple domestic colleges and universities and Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, as the designated conductor of Singaporean Chinese Orchestra and Kaohsiung Chinese Orchestra, and as the host of “Oriental Classics” show on Philharmonic Radio Taipei under his belt, Ku Pao Wen has been awarded with outstanding and honorable alumni of National Taiwan University of Arts, awarded Medal of Music Conducting by Chinese Writer’s and Artist’s Association in 2010, awarded First Prize of instructor creation exhibition and research results and extraordinary achievements multiple times by TNNUA, and furthermore he was nominated for “Best Interpretation” (conducting) and awarded “Best Album Producer” in the 27th Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music in 2016.

With the mission of traditional Chinese music development, in 2011, Ku Pao Wen founded and served as the Master and Music Director of “Taiwan Philharmonic Chinese Orchestra”, which is the most professional and largest non-governmental traditional orchestra in Southern Taiwan. Within the short period after founded, the orchestra had made brilliant achievements. Aside from the highly praised performances, two publications also made outstanding records, with 6 nominations and 2 awards in the 25th and 27th Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music. 

Being called the rising star in the world of Taiwanese music industry, Ku Pao Wen has been frequently invited as guest performer by orchestras, with trails all over European and American countries, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mainland China and cities in Taiwan. Hired as the regular guest conductor of Anhui Symphony Orchestra/Traditional Orchestra in 2011 and furthermore hired as the first regular guest conductor of Singapore Chinese Orchestra in August 2012, Ku’s achievements have gained great attention and recognition by the international music realms.
