Baroque Camerata
  • 信箱bcvip01@gmail.com
  • 電話+886-7-5251556
  • 地址高雄市鼓山區美術北一街63號
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立案時間:2004 年度
立案縣市: 高雄市
入選年度(含文建會及文化部時期) :105、108-113 年度

巴洛克獨奏家樂團音樂家們多具音樂博士學位之大學教授,國外學成新銳演奏家,持續朝專業精進的方向經營與成長,每年定期舉辦大型主題展演,系列性的小型巡演以及定期出版年度專輯,為永續經營且穩定成長的小型古典樂團。 藉由每次的展演活動與專輯出版,鞏固樂團精緻化臺灣歌謠與古典音樂保存的決心,此外,並負起人才培育的重責大任,提供給學成者展現實力的舞臺,並作為國內外音樂家交流的平臺。提供觀眾高品質音樂作為目標,以南臺灣巴洛克獨奏家樂團為中心,在臺灣發聲,走出國際。

李美文 Mei-Wen Lee
 Doctor of Musical Arts in Keyboard from Rutgers University in 1996. In 2004, Lee founded Baroque Camerata, an ensemble of Taiwan’s supreme musical performers, who have gathered to promote music from the baroque and early classical periods. For her own part, Lee performs on the harpsichord, piano, and has acted as the group’s artistic director. Promoting baroque music and early classical music are two of her primary goals for the ensemble, though she also has a strong devotion to new and innovative work from the 20th and 21st centuries. She has also worked to refine folk songs and popular music from Taiwan. Baroque Camerata, under her leadership, has embarked on several international performances: including in China, in a tour of the major US cities, and at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2013. From 2006, she has performed on and supervised the production of eight albums from Baroque Camerata, which have been nominated multiple times for the Golden Melody Awards.
Lee continues to offer her full support for the performance arts. She has been elected chairman of Performing Arts in South Taiwan Alliance in 2019.