Shintrun Taiwanese Opera Troupe
  • 信箱shintrun2012@gmail.com
  • 電話+886-2-28122121
  • 地址111臺北市士林區重慶北路四段57號1樓
  • 連結官方網站

立案時間:1991 年度
立案縣市: 台北市
入選年度(含文建會及文化部時期) :87-94、102-113 年度


廖瓊枝 Liao Chiung-chih
    素有「台灣第一苦旦」美譽的廖瓊枝,其專擅之「哭調」獨具特色,被譽為「東方最美的詠嘆調」。1935年誕生於基隆,經歷台灣歌仔戲外台、內台、廣播、電視、舞台歌仔戲的洗禮,1983年開始受民族音樂學者許常惠教授之邀,從事歌仔調及福佬民歌之示範演唱之後,展開歌仔戲的薪傳工作。此外,民國78年(西元1989年)廖瓊枝女士號召歌仔戲研習社團學生,成立「薪傳歌仔戲劇團」,薪傳教學之餘,亦改編或新編劇目,其中《陳三五娘》、《山伯英台》、《什細記》、《王寶釧》、《王魁負桂英》等劇目被國立傳統藝術中心紀錄保存, 2009年於國家戲劇院演出《陶侃賢母》正式告別歌仔戲表演舞台,全心投入歌仔戲教學。
    素有「台灣第一苦旦」美譽的廖瓊枝,其專擅之「哭調」獨具特色,被譽為「東方最美的詠嘆調」。1935年誕生於基隆,經歷台灣歌仔戲外台、內台、廣播、電視、舞台歌仔戲的洗禮,1983年開始受民族音樂學者許常惠教授之邀,從事歌仔調及福佬民歌之示範演唱之後,展開歌仔戲的薪傳工作。此外,民國78年(西元1989年)廖瓊枝女士號召歌仔戲研習社團學生,成立「薪傳歌仔戲劇團」,薪傳教學之餘,亦改編或新編劇目,其中《陳三五娘》、《山伯英台》、《什細記》、《王寶釧》、《王魁負桂英》等劇目被國立傳統藝術中心紀錄保存, 2009年於國家戲劇院演出《陶侃賢母》正式告別歌仔戲表演舞台,全心投入歌仔戲教學。
 Recognized in 2009 as an Important Traditional Art Preservation Group by the Department of Cultural Heritage, Council for Cultural Affairs (now Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture)
Recipient of the 27th National Cultural Award 
Winner of the 2nd National Award for Arts 
Accredited as an Important Folk Artist by the Ministry of Education 

    Praised as Taiwan’s greatest ku dan (sorrowful female character) performer, Liao Chiung-chih is particularly known for her signature “crying tune”. It has been described as the “most beautiful Eastern aria”. Born in Taiwan’s northeastern harbor city of Keelung in 1935, Liao has witnessed the shifting of Taiwanese opera through different venues – from outdoor stage, indoor stage to radio, television and theater. In 1983, at the invitation of Hsu Tsang-houei, a distinguished professor of ethnomusicology, Liao began giving demonstration performances of Taiwanese opera tunes and Hokkien folk songs. That marks the start of her journey of passing down the Taiwanese opera tradition.
    In 1989, Liao recruited her students from her opera workshops to establish Shintrun Taiwanese Opera Troupe. Besides teaching young opera learners, the troupe has also arranged or created opera pieces, including Chen San and Wuniang and Wang Kui Betrays Gui-ying. Some of the works have been archived by the National Center for Traditional Arts. Her 2009 appearance in The Virtuous Mother of Tao-Kan at the National Theater was her farewell performance. She is now fully committed to Taiwanese opera teaching.
張孟逸 Chang Meng-I

2017年以《王魁負桂英》焦桂英一角榮獲第28屆傳藝金曲獎「最佳年度演員獎」。21 歲正式進入歌仔戲界,曾任蘭陽戲劇團當家小旦,2008年起參與文化部文化資產局重要傳統表演藝術保存者傳習計畫,傳承廖瓊枝老師的苦旦劇藝,扮相婉約動人,擁有豐富舞台經驗,曾參與各大劇團舞台歌仔戲表演,以及葉青歌仔戲團公視《秦淮煙雨》電視歌仔戲演出,演出之餘更於國立臺灣戲曲學院擔任專業術科教師及秀朗國小歌仔戲社擔任指導老師。


2017年以《王魁負桂英》焦桂英一角榮獲第28屆傳藝金曲獎「最佳年度演員獎」。21 歲正式進入歌仔戲界,曾任蘭陽戲劇團當家小旦,2008年起參與文化部文化資產局重要傳統表演藝術保存者傳習計畫,傳承廖瓊枝老師的苦旦劇藝,扮相婉約動人,擁有豐富舞台經驗,曾參與各大劇團舞台歌仔戲表演,以及葉青歌仔戲團公視《秦淮煙雨》電視歌仔戲演出,演出之餘更於國立臺灣戲曲學院擔任專業術科教師及秀朗國小歌仔戲社擔任指導老師。

     With her role as Jiao Gui-ying in Wang Kui Betrays Gui-ying, Chang Meng-i won Best Performer at the 28th Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music. Chang began her opera career at the age of 21, having served as the lead xiao dan (young female character) performer for Lan-Yang Taiwanese Opera Company. In 2008, she joined Liao Chiung-chih as members of an Important Traditional Art Preservation Group for the Department of Cultural Heritage, Council for Cultural Affairs (now Bureau of Cultural Heritage, MOC) to help preserve Liao’s ku dan techniques. Often portraying a graceful and charming role, Chang has accumulated extensive on-stage experience, having participated in theater showings with several major opera troupes and also acted in the televised 16-episode Taiwanese opera Qinhuai Yanyu – a production with Ye Qing Opera Troupe by Taiwan’s Public Television Service (PTS). She is an opera instructor at National Taiwan College of Performing Arts and for the Taiwanese Opera Club at XiuLang Elementary School.

2008 – Artistic Member of the Taiwanese Opera Preservation Program led by Liao Chiung-chih (Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture)
2009, 2010 – Teaching Assistant of the Taiwanese Opera Preservation Program led by Liao Chiung-chih (Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture)

2017 – Best Performer, 28th Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music
