Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra
  • 信箱giant.orchestra@gmail.com
  • 電話+886-2-89277445
  • 地址新北市永和區竹林路41號B1
  • 連結官方網站

立案時間:2000 年
立案縣市: 台北市
入選年度(含文建會及文化部時期) :94-113 年度

2000年由音樂總監陳志昇集合一群熱愛國樂、並具有專業演奏水準的青年樂手們成立,積極推廣國樂,並舉辦一系列「兩岸薪傳」、「絲竹室內樂」及「青年演奏家」音樂會。 藝術表現上備受肯定,曾受邀赴美國、加拿大、墨西哥、德國、荷蘭、印度、泰國、韓國、新加坡、香港、大陸等地演出。 經過數年的試鍊,已成長為兼具演奏技術及藝術內涵的新生代樂團;期許在每一場策劃及演出中,均能展現台灣新生代樂手的積極熱情,為根植於傳統的國樂藝術開創嶄新的風貌。

陳志昇 Chen Chih-sheng
 One of the most prominent conductors in Taiwan, Chih-Sheng Chen founded the Little Giant Chinese Chamber Orchestra (LGCCO) in 2000. Acting as the artistic director and conductor, the orchestra strikes to present Chinese music of the highest quality to a wide range of audiences. Chen has produced/conducted more than one thousand concerts, including the orchestra’s national and international tours and a full season at Taiwan’s National Concert Hall. Under his leadership, the LGCCO was nominated by the Taishin Arts Awards for the Best Performing Arts category in Taiwan 2011.
Chen is active on the international stage as a conductor, educator, and arts administrator, crossing between the disciplines of Chinese music, cross-cultural music, and western contemporary music, and in both orchestral and chamber music settings. He has been a guest conductor in Europe, Canada, China, South Asia, and Taiwan. He was the executive director of the Quanta Philharmonic Orchestra. In addition, Chen gives lectures and master classes on arts administration, ensemble training, and orchestral development.
Chen holds a master degree in conducting from Taiwan’s Fu Jen Catholic University. At the same time, Chen holds a Ph. D from the Institute of Microbiology and Biochemistry of the National Taiwan University. His solid musical trainings, many years of performance experiences, knowledge of diverse genres and styles, and organizational skills from his science background all contribute to his success in building and managing one of the largest and most active Chinese orchestras in the world.