立案時間:1997 年
:99-102、106-113 年度
「對位」為一首樂曲中數條旋律線或不同旋律的音符之間,對應、交織而成和諧動人的音樂!自樂團成立以來,結集一群志同道合,熱愛音樂的老師們,團員皆為碩、博士,藉由演出、練習互相切磋琴藝,深耕南台灣的音樂環境。 對位室內樂團以對音樂的熱情,透過器樂與人聲等不同的組合,豐富音樂色彩與曲目多樣性,既能不失古典音樂的細膩、保有古典音樂精緻與細膩的情感,並且使古典音樂更貼近人心。 「演奏國人的作品,用自己的語言唱自己的歌」為創團宗旨之一,除西方作曲家作品之外,亦規劃展演潘皇龍、馬水龍、錢南章、李子聲、周久渝等作曲家之創作,透過現代樂曲之發表,使聽眾認識國人優秀作品,並推至國際舞台。 近年參與包括台積心築藝術季、台南藝術季「臺灣精湛」、2011-2017高雄春天藝術節等台灣藝術季演出,2015年前往北京國際音樂節、上海、蘇州等地巡演,2017年受邀前往奧勒松音樂藝術節演出。
美國波士頓音樂學院鋼琴演奏碩士及演奏文憑,美國國家音樂學術會會員。在美期間,師事Michael Lewin(李斯特鋼琴大賽得主),為該院「幻想曲」及「莫札特」鋼琴比賽得主。1997年集結一群專業及熱愛音樂的夥伴成立對位室內樂團,除致力於室內樂推廣外,並與各領域合作,規劃製作室內樂詩劇-「江文也與兩位夫人」,該作品獲台新藝術獎提名。同時積極邀請國外音樂家如法國默劇大師Bizot、挪威指揮家Thomas等來台合作演出。擔任高雄市音樂教育學會第八、十屆理事長,近年帶領樂團跨足歐洲及上海、北京……等地藝術節巡演。
美國波士頓音樂學院鋼琴演奏碩士及演奏文憑,美國國家音樂學術會會員。在美期間,師事Michael Lewin(李斯特鋼琴大賽得主),為該院「幻想曲」及「莫札特」鋼琴比賽得主。1997年集結一群專業及熱愛音樂的夥伴成立對位室內樂團,除致力於室內樂推廣外,並與各領域合作,規劃製作室內樂詩劇-「江文也與兩位夫人」,該作品獲台新藝術獎提名。同時積極邀請國外音樂家如法國默劇大師Bizot、挪威指揮家Thomas等來台合作演出。擔任高雄市音樂教育學會第八、十屆理事長,近年帶領樂團跨足歐洲及上海、北京……等地藝術節巡演。
Liang Kung-ling graduated from The Boston Conservatory with a master degree and an artist diploma in Piano Performance. She was instructed by the renowned pianist Michael Lewin (the first Prize of Liszt Piano Competition). She had held numerous recitals in the States and was the winner of the “Fantasy” and “Mozart” piano competition. Liang Kung-ling gathered a group of overseas artists that have great passion in music establishing “Counterpoint Ensemble” in year 2011. Counterpoint Ensemble not only focuses on performing chamber music and discovering new performing pieces but also plans innovatively in combination of classical music and drama for interdisciplinary exhibitions. Concerts are held annually in the Taipei national concert hall, local concert bureaus, and universities. Their productions “O Sole Mio” and “Bunya Koh and His Two Wives” which adapted stage animation technology were nominated by the Tai shin Bank for Art and Culture. Productions of “Counterpoint Ensemble” also include “Schubert’s Wild Rose” which was adapted from the essentials “The lieders of Schubert”; “Dreams of Summer Night”, an integration of classical music and Chinese opera; “L’AMOUR”, a piece produced in collaboration with French mime master Philippe Bizot; “Peter Pan and Wonderland”, a production combining lights and dancing; “Magical Fairy-tales Concert”, a theater-based production which is deeply loved by parent-child audience. Liang Kung-ling was the eighth chairman of Kaohsiung Musical Education Association and is currently the director of Counterpoint Ensemble.