Contemporary Legend Theatre
  • 信箱admin@clt.tw
  • 電話+886-2-23923868
  • 地址台北市中正區寧波西街72號
  • 連結官方網站

立案時間:1986 年度
立案縣市: 台北市
入選年度(含文建會及文化部時期) :81-87、90-113 年度

當代傳奇劇場目前是台灣表演藝術團體之中,少數在國際舞台上深受矚目的團體之一,曾獲邀英國皇家劇院、英國愛丁堡藝術節、美國林肯中心藝術節、法國亞維儂藝術節等16國巡演。 由吳興國領軍的當代傳奇劇場,自1986年成立以來,一直致力於傳統戲曲傳承並以創新劇場表演藝術為標的,成軍廿多年來,改編自莎翁名劇的《慾望城國》《王子復仇記》《李爾在此》《暴風雨》,改編自希臘悲劇的《樓蘭女》《奧瑞斯提亞》,傳統老戲《陰陽河》、新編作品《無限江山》《金烏藏嬌》,以及自創嘻哈京劇《兄妹串戲》、電音搖滾京劇《水滸108》系列、新創崑曲歌劇《夢蝶》等皆深獲國內外觀眾好評。2005年,挑戰諾貝爾文學獎得主貝克特的荒謬劇《等待果陀》,獲得貝克特權威及陽光劇團藝術總監極高的評價,2011年作品《水滸108II-忠義堂》不僅在香港藝術節造成轟動,也在台北國家劇院寫下四天演出全滿一票難求的盛況。 融合東西方劇場藝術、開闢傳統戲曲新道路,已成為當代傳奇劇場獨有的精神與特色,每年舉辦專為戲曲人才養成的「傳奇學堂」—為承先啟後,貢獻心力。

吳興國 Wu Hsing-kuo
    演員、劇作家、導演;當代傳奇劇場藝術總監;乃少數橫跨電影、電視、傳統戲曲、現代劇場以及舞蹈之表演藝術家。2010年榮獲台灣最高榮譽國家文藝獎;2011年法國文化部頒發「法國文化藝術騎士勳章(Ordre des Arts et des Lettres-Chevalier)」等。
      演員、劇作家、導演;當代傳奇劇場藝術總監;乃少數橫跨電影、電視、傳統戲曲、現代劇場以及舞蹈之表演藝術家。2010年榮獲台灣最高榮譽國家文藝獎;2011年法國文化部頒發「法國文化藝術騎士勳章(Ordre des Arts et des Lettres-Chevalier)」等。
     Performer, playwright, director, and Art Director of the Contemporary Legend Theatre, Wu Hsin-kuo is one among the few performing artists who distinguish in crossover fields such as film, TV, traditional drama, modern theatre and dance. In 2010, Wu won Taiwan’s 14th Annual National Arts Award (Category of Performing Arts). In 2011, the Ministry of Culture in France awarded him Ordre des Arts et des Lettres-Chevalier.
    Over 20 creative works innovated by Wu—crossing the borderline between East and West, ancient and contemporary, and different performing styles—are frequently invited to perform in international theatres and festivals. Wu is the only performer in Taiwan who has been invited to Royal National Theatre in UK, Metropolitan Opera House in US, and all three leading art festivals in the world.
林秀偉 Lin Hsiu-wei
 Lin Hsiu-wei is the artistic director of the Tai Gu Tales Dance Theatre, co-founded with Wu Hsing-kuo in 1987, and the administrative director of the Contemporary Legend Theatre.  Lin explores life with her body, incorporating unique Eastern philosophy and modern spirit to natural, primitive life, so as to touch the heart and to resonate with the inner senses. Her major works, including Myth of the Last Century, The Life of Mandela, Compass, The Back of Beyond, and The Monologue of Poetry and Flower, have been invited to international arts festivals.  Lin is also the producer and troupe director of the Contemporary Legend Theatre.  She is in charge of physical movement and choreography. 
