立案時間:2001 年
:101-114 年度
河床劇團成立於1998年,以「意象劇場」的創作理念,跨越了視覺藝術與表演藝術之間的界線。評論家曾讚賞河床劇團這些有機、深具雕塑性的「潛意識」劇場作品,可與山繆‧貝克特及大衛‧林區最精湛的作品相比。河床以劇場實驗室的精神,不斷探索演出型態的各種可能性,近年以「一齣戲、只為一個觀眾」的「開房間」計劃備受各界矚目,開始一系列結合展覽與演出的實驗。 河床劇團近年參與的藝術節包括:韓國BeSeTo戲劇節、法國亞維儂off戲劇節、德國想像國際偶劇節、TIFA台灣國際藝術節、台灣國際劇場藝術節、衛武營玩藝節、台北藝術節、臺南藝術節等。本團也曾受邀於台北市立美術館、國立台灣美術館、高雄市立美術館、台北當代藝術館以及誠品畫廊進行展演。
As the Artistic Director of the Taipei-based Riverbed Theatre Company, Craig has written and directed over forty original image-based performances, including productions at Korea's Asia Culture Center (Gwangju), Taiwan’s National Experimental Theatre (Taipei), Theatre Mouffetard (Paris), Alte Teuerwache (Mannheim), Fritz (Stuttgart), Theatre Le Funambule (Avignon), Theatre de la Condition des Soies (Avignon), the Esplanade Studio Theatre (Singapore), Telus Theatre (Vancouver), Tiny Alice (Tokyo), KAVC (Kobe), and Robert Wilson’s Watermill Center (New York). He is also a sculptor and installation artist whose work has been shown at the Asian Biennial, Venice Biennale, Kobe Biennale, Taipei Biennale, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei MOCA, and the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art. During the 2015-16 academic year, Craig was a Senior Fulbright Scholar to Taiwan and a Mellon Foundation Academic Enterprise Leave Fellow. For the 2019-20 academic year, Craig will be working with Torry Bend at Duke University as a Humanities Unbounded Fellow. He received his Ph.D. in Performance Studies from Northwestern University and is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance at Grinnell College.